Honey bees, one of natures greatest pollinators. According to scientist these unappreciated little helpers pollinate almost 80 percent of all of our flowering crops, that's almost 1/3 of all we eat!
Believe it or not honey bees are starting to slowly disappear from our environment. Honey bees are so helpful and important to both the environment and to us, what would our world be like without them. Scientists believe pesticides may be behind this heinous crime, what a surprise. Although it is not fully known why the honey bees of Earth just suddenly started to, well, disappear.
Oh wait a light shines above us in, the University of Helsinki? Yep that's right a genius man has discovered that there may still be hope for our fuzzy little friends. Scientests have been doing some research on insects and their immune system, this study may be the answer to the honey bee crisis. Scientists have found that there may be a possibility that they can create a vaccine to protect bees against disease is now a potential solution. Dr. Dalial Freitak tells local recourses, "We are dancing in the lab. It's like winning the lottery." A honey bee lottery that is! "The team has discovered that vitellogenin, a protein found in egg yolk, finds and binds the signature molecules of pathogens eaten by the queen bee. These signature molecules are then carried by the vittellogenin into the queen's eggs, where they work as primers for future immune responses. The breakthrough has aloud researchers to start working on bee vaccines."
Yay a solution, thank you scientists. Now when ever a bee might annoy you forget you a little mad, don't smoosh it swat it with a fly swatter, just remember that these little guys are in trouble and we need every honeybee we can get. By not smooshing that bee you're saving the environment, because everything starts, with you.